Crafting Success, One Graft at a Time

At Horti Grafting, we embrace the future of horticulture with our innovative approach. We are pioneers in utilizing Horti Robotics' world's first fully automated grafting robot. Our expertise lies in providing an extensive grafting service, allowing customers to graft their young plants. However, we go beyond just offering grafting services. We provide a comprehensive solution: pre-grafted and grown products, ready for use.

Understanding that each customer has unique needs, we ensure a seamless experience where the customer only needs to specify their required young plants. At Horti Grafting, we aim for complete peace of mind and strive to deliver unparalleled service.

Our company breathes progress, and we are ardent advocates of automation. We believe that the path to quality, quantity, stability, and continuity begins with automation, from the production floor to the office. Our goal isn't solely to enhance our own performance but to elevate value for our customers.

We offer more than just products. We extend a partnership for growth and success.

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and growing together is success





Our services

At Horti Grafting, we pride ourselves on delivering unparalleled grafting services that redefine excellence in the industry. With a commitment to innovation and precision, our services are designed to cater to your specific needs, strive towards top-notch quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. From our diverse grafting options to our cutting-edge HG Wax, we bring forth a comprehensive suite of services aimed at elevating your plant growth and ensuring optimal results.

The options are;

1. Customer-supplied grafting: Customers provide rootstocks and scions; we perform the grafting process. Customers can then collect the grafted product.

2. Customer-supplied, grafting, and storage: Customers provide rootstocks and scions; we handle the grafting and store the grafted products in a refrigerated area until a specified delivery date chosen by the customer for pick-up or delivery.

3. Specific young plant orders: Customers specify the types of young plants they want grafted. We procure the required rootstocks and scions, perform the grafting, and make them available for pick-up or delivery.

4. Specific young plant orders with cultivation service: Customers specify the types of young plants they want grafted. We procure the necessary rootstocks and scions, perform the grafting, foster their growth, and customers can collect or arrange for delivery of the fully grown young plants.

You also have the option to choose wax or no wax. Our innovative HG Wax stands as a game-changer in the grafting domain. This new cold wax is applied at room temperature. Not only suitable for summer grafting, it significantly boosts success rates in winter grafting due to its low application temperature, which doesn’t harm the plants. This flexible wax pairs perfectly with our triangular grafting technique, resulting in a stable and hermetically sealed graft. Notably, its resilience enables it to withstand extreme temperatures, ranging from well below freezing to over 70 degrees Celsius.

We prioritize options and convenience for our customers. Whether you prefer P8 or P9 pots, summer or winter grafting, bare-root or stenting, Horti Grafting offers a wide range of possibilities. Our goal is not just to meet but to exceed your expectations.

Opt for Horti Grafting and benefit from our advanced wax technology and diverse grafting options, ensuring guaranteed successful and stable plant growth.





Pottenveld 4c

4043 AB Opheusden

The Netherlands


© 2023 by Horti Grafting | Gerealiseerd door NIKU Solutions